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The hype and fear, globally, that surrounds service automation, robots and the future of work need to be punctured by in-depth research. This book, by Professors Leslie Willcocks and Mary Lacity, captures a year’s worth of learning about service automation based on a survey, in-depth client case studies, and interviews with service automation clients, providers, and advisors.
The authors cleverly embed today’s empirical lessons into the broader history and context of automation, as a vital key in understanding the fast-rising phenomenon of service automation. The authors give a balanced, informed and compelling view on gaining the many benefits, as well as managing the downsides, of present and future technologies.
Pub. Date: 12th February 2016
Publisher: Steve Brookes Publishing
Authors: Leslie P Willcocks, Mary C Lacity
Format: Hardback with dust jacket,
Size: 241mm x 171mm x 28mm
Page extent: 304pp
Cover Design: Nick Sample (www.nicksample.com)
RRP: £20.00 UK / $30.00 US / $40.00 CN (hardback)
Edition: 1st
ISBN-13: 978-0-956414-56-4
Sales & Distribution: Steve Brookes Publishing
- The authors are globally recognised for outstanding, world-class research.
- The book describes types of automation and gives evidence for multiple business benefits.
- In-depth case studies are included – from clients, providers and advisors of service automation.
- 30 key lessons are given, on how to deploy service automation in the workplace.
- There is a focus on the future of work, including robotic process automation, with valuable predictions and critique.
The Authors

Dr Leslie P. Willcocks
(Click '+' to read author's biography)
Dr. Leslie P. Willcocks has an international reputation for his work on automation, global management, outsourcing, e-business, information management, IT evaluation, strategic IT and organizational change.
He is Professor in Technology Work and Globalization at the Department of Management at London School of Economics and Political Science. He also heads the LSE’s Outsourcing Unit research centre. He has been for the last 28 years Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Information Technology. He is co-author of 55 books including Nine Keys To World Class BPO (2015), Moving to The Cloud Corporation (2014), and The Rise of Legal Services Outsourcing (2014) and has published over 230 refereed papers in journals such as Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, MIS Quarterly and MISQ Executive. He has delivered company executive programmes worldwide, is a regular keynote speaker at international practitioner and academic conferences, and has been retained as adviser and expert witness by major corporations and government institutions. Forthcoming books include Global Outsourcing Discourse: Exploring Modes of IT Governance (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018). His research into the management of cloud business services appears as Cloud and The Future of Business: From Cost to Innovation (www.outsourcingunit.org).
Email: l.p.willcocks@lse.ac.uk

Dr Mary C. Lacity
(Click '+' to read author's biography)
Dr. Mary C. Lacity is Walton Professor of Information Systems and Director of the Blockchain Center of Excellence in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at The University of Arkansas. She was previously Curators’ Distinguished Professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She has held visiting positions at MIT, the London School of Economics, Washington University, and Oxford University. She is a Certified Outsourcing Professional ®, Industry Advisor for Symphony Ventures, and Senior Editor for MIS Quarterly Executive.
Mary's recent research focuses on improving business services using Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Cognitive Automation (CA), and Blockchain technologies. She has conducted case studies and surveys of hundreds of organizations on their adoption journeys, has given keynote speeches and executive seminars worldwide, and has served as an expert witness for the US Congress.
Mary was inducted into the IAOP’s Outsourcing Hall of Fame in 2014 - one of only three academics to ever be inducted. She was the recipient of the 2008 'Gateway to Innovation Award' sponsored by the IT Coalition, Society for Information Management, and St. Louis RCGA. She has published 28 books, most recently, A Manager’s Guide to Blockchains for Business (https://sbpublishing.org/blockchain.html), SB Publishing, UK. Mary's publications have appeared in the Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, MIS Quarterly, MIS Quarterly Executive, IEEE Computer, Communications of the ACM, and many other academic and practitioner outlets.
Email: mary.lacity@umsl.eduInterview with author by the London School of Economics
(Please note: All seven parts of the interview are accessible from end of the first clip)
"Lacity and Willcocks have consistently demonstrated a well-renowned, respected, collective experience and wisdom studying the fields of business operations and the future of work in recent decades. Their approach to studying the critical topic of intelligent automation has balance, depth and a great perspective on how this will unravel in the future. The future impact of cognitive computing, driven by major advancements in robotic automation tools, predictive analytics solutions - all driven by the socially intelligent worker is the future, and for many organizations only just realizing this, it may already be too late. However, we must remember that all these advancements in automation and analytics technology are useless without the human factor to drive it. This book fleshes out these issues in spades and is a must-read.”
Phil Fersht, Founder & CEO, HfS Research
“Yes, robots are coming to take our work away – even the knowledge work we’ve invested in high levels of education to be able to perform. In the midst of mounting anxiety, Profs Willcocks and Lacity have done us all an invaluable service: taken a clear-eyed, in-depth look at exactly how 21st century automation is reshaping workplaces, and found humanity still winning in the end.”
Julia Kirby, Harvard Business Review editor and coauthor, Only Humans Need Apply: Winners and Losers in the Age of Smart Machines
“Robotic Process Automation and Cognitive Technology are dramatically reshaping the business landscape of today, and the pace of change will only continue to accelerate tomorrow. It will not be the strongest or the most intelligent companies that will survive, but those most adaptable to change. Service Automation: Robots and the Future of Work is a must-read for those seeking not only to survive but to thrive in the world of smart machines.”
Chip Wagner, CEO, Alsbridge
“Service Automation is a well-structured and thoughtful book on a topic top-of-mind to professionals and executives alike. Once again, Drs. Lacity and Willcocks deliver the definitive guide.”
Debi Hamill, CEO, International Association for Outsourcing Professionals
“This is a must-read for business leaders. Willcocks and Lacity peel back the layers in the rapidly changing world of software automation. They show what is real today, what is still hype, and provide synthesized experience from early adopters that will accelerate your ability to put robots to work in your organization.”
Lee Coulter, CEO, Ascension Ministry Service Center
“Robotic Process Automation is truly the game changer of our time. This goes way beyond cool tech. It's more about digital labor and will forever change how work gets done. Willcocks and Lacity have created a timely must-read for all business and technology leaders who want to ride the wave and not get crushed by it.”
Frank Casale, President of Arago USA and Founder, The Institute of Robotic Process Automation
“If you want to know about the most important trend in technology today, there is no better place to start than Service Automation. Willcocks and Lacity provide a well-researched and engaging account of the state of the art in business process robotics and what it means for the changing nature of work.”
M. Lynne Markus, The John W. Poduska Sr. Professor of Information and Process Management, Bentley University